Song Fight(ish): Paper Thin
The submission timeframe for the current Song Fight, “Paper Thin”, ended four days ago and the submissions were just published. Unfortunately I didn’t manage to submit my song in time (I recorded most of it in the last few hours) but you can listen to it anyway.
Because this song isn’t really official it doesn’t get its own page on the Internet Archive. Instead, you can download it from this server or stream it (Flash player required):
Paper Thin (3:17, 4.6 MB)
Paper Thin by Jan Krüger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
In the first iteration of the idea, this was going to be a song about some very depressed person. Now it’s about a computer game addict and it’s shorter than planned because I didn’t bother writing more lyrics after the deadline passed. The mix is a bit overcompressed and some of the song’s parts feel a bit disjointed to me. Still, it’s not half bad. It’s also another vocals-only (a cappella) song. I really like doing those but they’re a lot more work (I need to record about three vocal takes to fill the song’s “soundscape” as much as one average acoustic guitar take). I’m particularly happy with the way the pseudo-brassy vocals turned out.
Total time spent: 12 hours? I can’t remember.
Authors and participants: none. Well, not counting me.
Recording gear:
- Yamaha MG 10/2 miniature mixing panel
- El-cheapo clone of a rather well-known dynamic mic for vocals
- REAPER 2.5, a really cool multi-track audio sequencing application (DAW)
- My voice. Layered on top of itself. Lots of times.
Thanks for listening; as always, I appreciate your feedback.